Brake Pressure Accumulator (AKA Bomb) Recharge - Quattro digest V1 #4351

Robert Deutsch rdeutsch at
Mon Dec 16 15:10:02 EST 2002

I've got a '90 90CQ20v that needs a BOMB recharge too. I just haven't
got around to it yet.

Rob Deutsch

>To: quattro at, 200q20v at
>Subject: Brake Pressure Accumulator (AKA Bomb) Recharge
>From: Eric_R_Kissell at
>Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 11:24:41 -0600

>Has anyone had a Bomb recharged by Russ Southerlin lately?

>What is his current contact information?

>Is anyone else recharging Brake Pressure Accumulators?


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