Um... (computer glitches)

urq urq at
Tue Dec 17 01:05:02 EST 2002

... I don't know about the big qlist, but if you saw the messages from the
urq list it is because some people post from addresses that are not subbed
and I don't check the server every day.  The server is set up to hold such
posts for admin approval ... to keep the ads for "fancy athletic protectors"
(just got that one today!) to a minimum.  I tend to err on the side of
approving posts which appear to be related to the topic ... even though some
times people realize that their posts have been held up for approval and
repost.  To me that seems the better alternative to the possibility of
accidentally deleting a post.  Another thing to realize is that some people
broadcast their messages to multiple lists ... if you happen to be on the
same lists you're going to get multiple copies ...

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)

> Hey, it's probably just the weather or a computer glitch, but did
> anybody else just get about 30 old messages resent to them? (I'm
> talking like back during the "badge engineering in Santa Cruz"
> discussion)

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