I need a political solution to my racist fuel injection problem

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 19 17:40:55 EST 2002

Thank God I'm not halucinating.  I reallly thought I
saw/used this device and it worked very well.

Jim Accordino

--- Tony Lum <tlum at flash.net> wrote:
> At 02:56 PM 12/19/02 -0800, you wrote:
> >Along the lines of cleaning injectors, did ANYONE
> ever
> >see this tool?  I worked for a time at European
> >Imports on Rt. 10 East in Whippany, NJ.  They had a
> >tool that worked like this.  You screwed the
> injector
> >onto a fitting.  Attached to that was a chamber
> filled
> >with a cleaning solution.  I don't know what the
> >solution was exactly.  There is a lever that's a
> hand
> >pressure pump.  When you pump the lever you
> pressurize
> >the cleaning solution and force it through the
> >injector.  The injector is aimed into a clear tube,
> so
> >you can watch the spray pattern as you go.  It
> worked
> >really well.  I literally watched horrible injector
> >regain beautiful cone shapes within 1 minute of
> >starting.  This device had a label on it, so it was
> a
> >commerically manufactured device.  Size was about
> 3-4
> >inches wide, 16-18 inches long and about a foot
> high.
> >This was more than 10 yrs. ago and I didn't much
> care
> >about work OR import cars at that time.
> >
> >Jim Accordino
> I've seen it too.  My mechanic has one.  I believe
> the tool is a Bosch
> product and the cleaner is some kind of mineral
> spirit.
> -Tony
> urq #DA900302

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