powdercoating cost?

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 20 16:54:48 EST 2002

A Crapsman vertical tank compressor with a "rating" of
6hp and a 60 gal. vertical tank is "about" $300-400.
This depends on sales, and alot of other BS.  This
compressor, (which I own) is marginal for continuous
sandblasting.  Again, this depends on your gun, the
media and the pressure you decide to run.  Mine's on a
50 ft. cord with a dryer plug on the end.  I used the
shipping skid addeddded wheels to the bottom.  Now I
can take this b*tch anywhere I want and also plug it
in in MOST houses.  This has become vconvenientient
over the years.

Jim Accordino

--- JShadzi at aol.com wrote:
> Mind you you're going to need a very significant
> compressor to sandblast, something at least 20
> gallons and 5hp, about a $3-500 compressor, just to
> do short few minute runs.  A compressor that allows
> you to do long, extended sand blasting will be much
> larger, at least 50-100 gallons and 10hp, about $1k
> and up for a compressor like that (generally
> speaking).  Getting the sand blaster is the cheap,
> easy part IME.
> Javad
> In a message dated 12/20/2002 5:38:19 PM Eastern
> Standard Time, Bob <bob at audisport.com> writes:
> >Seems about the going price around here too. Keep
> in mind you can get
> >the equipment yourself for powdercoating for about
> $150, then a blaster
> >for about $100 and do an unlimited amount.
>  (assuming you have a
> >compressor) Its pretty easy actually. If youre
> going to do a bunch, its
> >worth the investment
> >
> >Livolsi, Stephane wrote:

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