Brake fluid tank grommets ?

james accordino ssgacc at
Fri Dec 27 22:26:32 EST 2002

As long as you don't move the rod/piston assembly at
all while this is going on, you should have no reason
to bleed.  I didn't.  Get as much out as you can
first.  Steal your wifes turkey baster and then just
replace it.

Jim Accordino

--- CTDiesel at wrote:
> On my 4kq the gromments between the reservior and
> the master cyclinder are
> leaking about a pint a month.  I bought new grommets
> and am wondering if i
> can just pull off the reservior and replace the
> grommets and put it back
> together without having to then bleed the brakes?
> Any other hints would be
> great in doing this as well.
> Thanks
> DJ

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