Hot Start solution/new miss (retry)

Mark Woodland markwoodland at
Fri Feb 1 13:50:36 EST 2002

Hi gang,
I sent this out yesterday, and haven't seen it turn up yet..
forgive, if this ultimately appears twice)
Well, after getting fed up and running out of time with the hot start
diagnostics, I broke down and "called in the professionals"... who found an
intake leak...
in the passenger side wheel well, behind the plastic liner...
It starts all the time now, is all I know.. I'm taking their word for it.
In the meantime, I've picked up a semi wicked low-to-midrange rpm miss, that
clears up at 3K, and it pulls like a train from there on up.
New ignition harness, tri-electrode plugs, multiple applications of
Note: The miss disappears at idle, and when revving the engine under
no-load. It only misses under load up to 3,000 rpms, then straightens out
and screams.
It doesn't appear till I've run the car hard for a while. On a normal drive,
it does not appear at all. This has been happening since the max boost has
inexplicably risen from 1.2-1.3 to 1.3-1.5... Could I be going into the
"limp home" mode?
What exactly is limp home mode, and does it apply to '87 5KTQs?
It was there before I put it in the shop, but it didn't do it for them... of
Any Ideas? I didn't find much applicable in the archives.

Many thanks in advance
Best regards,
Mark Woodland

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