Aargh - rad fan meltdown.

urq urq at pacbell.net
Sun Feb 3 00:25:58 EST 2002

... this is the exact mechanism which caused many an Audi of that vintage to
be totalled ... and why many qlisters have installed fuses in the circuit.
I do hope that you have not become another statistic ...

I'm more familiar with the '87 ... and I believe it to be almost identical
to my '88.  I'm pretty sure that there are considerable wiring differences
between the '86 and '87.  Of course you can always transplant the harnesses
and fuse and relay panels ... don't know how difficult that would be.

... fingers crossed for you!
Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)
> Question - what typically goes down with the radiator fan
> on an 86 5kcsq?
> Friend was driving my 5k tonight, called me, "I think the car
> is overheating."  OK, turn heat on.  "It just died."
> OK.  Walked to the car - rad fan is locked, car filled with
> smoke, wires to fan are melted, nothing electrical seems to
> work.
> What gets melted with it?  Going to search archives in a few,
> kinda not terribly patient right now:).  Have an 87
> to steal parts from - huge compatibility issues?

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