Words fail me

Adrian Johnson ad at tibco.com
Tue Feb 5 07:53:09 EST 2002

> >> And the name on the invoice - the twat who did this to a perfectly
> >> good engine?  Mr D. Preece.
> >"Twat" must have a somewhat different meaning in the UK.
> >Here is the States, it's use would make a lady blush,
> >especially if you asked if you could see hers. And I
> >wouldn't think Mr. Preece has one, but you never know
> >about the British. :-)
>In most of the UK it just means 'idiot' - perhaps slightly stronger.
>Certainly in and around Nottingham it has the gyneacological you
>suggest, and that was the sense I was using it in.

Around Newcastle it can also mean punch, hit or slap, making it quite
correct to say that Phil should find this twat Mr Preece and twat him one!

<snip blue joke about TWA air hostess>


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