More Audi's on TV

Jouko Haapanen joukoh at
Tue Feb 5 13:37:54 EST 2002

That's right...Inarisilber...that was also available on Volkswagens of that
era.  I always wondered about the source of the name Inari....being Finnish
and all.

Jouko Haapanen

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Nas [mailto:tnas at]
Sent: February 5, 2002 12:33
To: quattro at
Cc: Jouko Haapanen
Subject: RE: More Audi's on TV

"Jouko Haapanen" <joukoh at> wrote:

>We got our first 5000S in Canada in the spring of 1978....remember the day
>very well.  Ugly friggin light green metallic colour...

Inarisilber, to be exact. I actually like that colour on the type 43.

(really into '70s Audis)

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