5kcstq idle problems
mark Rutherford
5kcstq at sisna.com
Tue Feb 5 18:27:27 EST 2002
Car: 86 5kcstq.
Symtoms: Car has been very hard when it is warm for about a week. Over the
weekend I replaced a few vacume hoses, this helped the hard start problem.
Car started Ok(not great but OK) on Sunday and Monday. Today the hard start
comes back with a new problem. The idle is surging between 1100 and 1600
RPMS. I looked at the duty cycle of the frequancy valve to check the
mixture and noticed that mixture would vary from 35 to 65 in a constant
movement(not the normal 5 or so degree variation that is normal) and then
shoot down to 35 and start the process over again. The movement is in phase
with the idle and takes about 2 sec.
Tried: Unplugging the idle stabilizer has no effect. unplugging the O2
sensor no effect. Looked for vacume leaks none found, does not gurentee
that there are none.
5kcstq at sisna.com
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