Wed Feb 6 21:36:39 EST 2002

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
The Hakka NRW is more dedicated snow than the 210's, I logged more tractive
miles on 210's than my NRW's (I ran 205/5516 NRW's at steamboat 4 years ago -
they did everything ok, nothing well).  The 210's outperformed the NRW's even
in the 15 in size at Steamboat.  The advantage the 210's had over the NRW's
was spinning on ice they grabbed more traction than the NRW's hands down, and
had mucho better braking ability in snow - the NRW had a slight snow
advantage, but you had to be IN snow to realize it.  I have no experience
with the M2's, but lots with Dunlop, most of it (save the SP8000) not with
high accolades.  I'd get the Haka 1's or the P210 before the NRW's.  The
NRW's on the way to a fro Steamboat squirmed more than my Hakka Q's.  I'd
really love to try the 210 ice, but Bob D's hakka Q's at Steamboat last year
were too good to ignore.  This year, the Hakka Q's were top dog, even besting
the Blizzacks on their home turf.


Scott J

In a message dated 2/6/02 8:16:22 PM Central Standard Time,
t44tq at writes:

Scott, et al.:
My two cents on snow tires- the Dunlop M2 Wintersport and the
Hakka NRW are much better than Pirelli 210s for overall use-
the M2s last longer than the 210s as do the NRWs and the M2s
definitely do better than the 210s, at least in 205/55R16 on
an A4tq.


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