K24 on 1.8T was what color is my K24

QSHIPQ at aol.com QSHIPQ at aol.com
Thu Feb 7 08:37:37 EST 2002

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Sure it can Javad.  MTM claims 326 with the stock k24 unit on the 1.8t.  5
valves means more energy in a smaller combustion chamber, cuz more air can
flow in and out of it.  If the engine is more efficient (volumetric or
thermally), it can and routinely does make more power with less displacement.
 It may *work* harder, but 5 valve technology offsets that with better
volumetric efficiency.  In a boosted motor, 5 valve technology IS the ticket,
and gives better gains than the N/A cars.  Instead of adding lift for
effective valve area, you add ANOTHER valve, Javad, that's a winner!  And
since the lift of the cams can be less to flow the same amount of air, the
duration can be closer to ideal (low).  Which means that sacrifices in torque
are minimal as well.

I've done a couple of the k03 to K04 conversions on the 1.8t (with the
appropriate software changes), the pickup in <torque> is what is the most
impressive IMO.

The k24 in the MC2/3B/AAN is a really good turbo.  Retrofitting it on a WX
makes for a really sweet urq as well (just btdt on my own this time).
Fitting it on a 5valve 1.8t sounds like a really good upgrade as well, and
since MTM does it on the really tweeked 1.8t's, my bet is that it's a really
good match.

My .02

Scott Justusson
'87 44tqw RS2 turbo
'84 RS2URQ - RS2 turbo
'83 URQ - k24 turbo
Javad writes:
No way, hp is hp, and air is air, the 1.8 can't make more power with less
d=isplacement.  Any turbo in a motor with less displacement is going to have
=to work A  LOT harder to make the same power as in a large/r displacement
m=otor...assuming the smaller motor is not increadibly more efficeient or an
=F1 motor etc.Again, I'm thinking its not your garden variety AAN K24, if it

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