Strut mounts on 4kq

Aaron Ryba aaronryba at
Thu Feb 7 10:27:09 EST 2002

Blau offers an "improved" strut mount with their strut
accessory kit.
It seems as if the improved mount is only needed with
the 80/90 models with the heavier v6.
Blau claims that the improved mount is more durable,
stiffer and tighter than stock. it also lowers the car

At $120, a single improved kit (for 2 wheels) is
double the price for the O.E. mount kit. I could get
all 4 wheels of O.E. for price of 1 improved set.

Is this upgrade worth the cost on a 4kq where wieght
is not an issue at the front?

Does this upgrade actually provide a noticable
difference in handling?


aaron ryba
4kcsq 105k

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