Rear E Brake Help??

BBBurban at BBBurban at
Fri Feb 8 02:18:13 EST 2002

Hi all,

    Last night had the right rear caliper lock up in a parking lot on my 1990
90 Quattro 20 valve.  A friend lived only a mile away max and figured I'd be
better off in his garage than out on the road in the dark so I drove on over.
 When I got there I didn't need to check to see which rear caliper was locked
up as the passenger side rear was glowing brighter than I ever imagined it
could.  Now down to the brass tacks.

    I checked the google search and not too much info on disassembling the
lever on this caliper so my question is does anyone have any hints for me??
Bentley has nothing in it at all.  If I do get this apart what is the
recommended lube for the shaft internally?  Hate to have to buy a new caliper
while I am out of a job so fixing this one is preferred.  Is there anything
else that I should be looking at while I am there?  Lastly I will be doing
this without a backup car for parts fetching so what should I have handy?

Thanks all....

Hank 90q20v

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