Is anyone on this list an engineer for Bosch/automotive brake systems...

Brady Moffatt bradym at
Fri Feb 8 11:21:27 EST 2002

OK, I read the article, and I'M NOT AN ABS ENGINEER! But I am a critical
thinker who knows a bit about physics.

Everything in that article may very well be true, but I highly doubt it's
the WHOLE truth. One case in point: who cares exclusively about the
pad/rotor/caliper relationship? It's the tires that stop the car. The
maximum coefficient of friction between the tires and the road surface vary
hugely if you throw in road conditions (like ice) or sticky tires. Now, we
all know that you can stop shorter with better tires, notwithstanding the
rest of the braking system. In the article, the author makes it sound like
there is a baseline ABS threshhold frontier graph or whatever it's called,
and it doesn't take into account road conditions or tires. Basically, it's
ignoring the  coefficient of friction to the road surface. If that's true,
he's describing the world's stupidest ABS system. And with reaction times in
the low milliseconds, the system should be able to think faster than it can
act, regardless of the brake setup.

In a nutshell, I think it's BUNK.

Brady Moffatt
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
86 4ksq, 280,000km
72 Datsun 240Z, 180,000 miles

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Andrews" <randrews at>
To: "'Phil Payne'" <quattro at>; "'joel nevin'"
<joelnevin at>; <BBBurban at>; <bernardl at>;
<quattro at>
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2002 10:36 AM
Subject: RE: Is anyone on this list an engineer for Bosch/automotive brake

> Ok this article....
> The whole thing about the ABS computer, and how it is affected with big
> brake upgrades,etc.
> I dont know if I believe all the hype.  As far as I understand, the ABS
> system just detects wheel lockup, the same the crankshaft position
> sensor,etc works...a magnetic pickup and splines on a shaft.
> There whole argument is that they designed their calipers with specific ca
> in mind and specific ABS systems....

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