(no subject)

ScottyCBoy at aol.com ScottyCBoy at aol.com
Fri Feb 8 14:14:29 EST 2002

The exact same thing happened to me I took out the screen and a few days later the pump wore itself out by sucking up all the debris that was causing the screen to clog. I was luck the fuel filter caught all that crap, or it would have been a new fuel metering unit and injectors as well.


In a message dated Fri, 8 Feb 2002 12:46:43 PM Eastern Standard Time, "Phil Payne" <quattro at isham-research.com> writes:

> > Hi!  I'm new to the list looking for some repair advice to keep our
> 1987
> > Audi 5000S running a little longer.  Over a year ago, it started
> acting up.
> > We'd be driving fine at any speed (even 60+) and suddenly the fuel
> pump gets
> > loud and the car stalls.  I replaced the fuel accumulator.  This
> fixed the
> > problem for about 1 year.  Recently, the same thing started
> happening.  Got
> > worse over the course of a month.  I replaced the fuel pressure
> regulator.
> > Ran great for 3 days!  Now it's basically undrivable.  Any ideas???
> Thanks!
> Sounds like the classic 'clogged screen' problem to me.
> Just pull the pump out of the tank.  If it has a gauze screen on the
> base, rip it out and put the pump back.
> --
>   Phil Payne
>   http://www.isham-research.com/quattro
>   +44 7785 302 803
>   +49 173 6242039

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