Lube to silence blower squeal. ->another idea

Russ Maki rinard at
Fri Feb 8 22:37:43 EST 2002

For what it's worth, the resident expert on's diesel list, Marshall
Booth, recommends ATF to lubricate noisy blower bearings.

Russ Maki
Ixonia, Wis.

> From: "Fred Munro" <munrof at>
> To: <quattro at>, "Brian Devlin" <bdevlin at>
> Subject: Re: Lube to silence blower squeal. ->another idea
> Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 19:18:27 -0500
> Hi Brian;
> I did this with my '86 5ktq. I drilled a 1/2" hole in the heater box just
> above the drive side bearing, inserted a piece of wire so that it sat on
> shaft just in front of the bearing, and ran drops of liquid (not spray)
> WD-40 down the wire onto the shaft. It worked for a little while but I
> up changing the fan motor anyway. I used a plastic body plug to seal up
> hole afterwards.
> I think the only long-term fix is to install a ball bearing in place of
> sleeve bearing on this motor. Usually by the time the motor is squeaking,
> the brushes are shot, so it's time to replace it or rebuild it completely.
> Fred Munro
> '94 S4

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