WTB: Idle Stab. Valve--'88 80Q

bludodger at att.net bludodger at att.net
Sat Feb 9 18:00:32 EST 2002

I need a ISV (Audi P/N 034 133 455 B ) for my car...its
been sticking for years and a good cleaning did nothing
to help my stalling problem. Does anyone know where I
can get a "good" one "cheap"?

Thanks for the help
'88 80q--178,000mi.
> At 04:05 AM 2/9/2002 -0500, you wrote:
> >Kneale,
> >I was just into one last week and tried removal of the threaded rod with no
> >luck. How did you do that? I removed the retaining ring and thought it
> >should just pull out. I did not want to damage the threads. I ended up
> >buying a rebuilt but wanted to see if I could repair the old one first with
> >nothing to lose except my tinkering time.
> >Subject: Re: Rear E Brake Help??
> Hi Tim,
> I'm rebuilding a set of V8 calipers were the threaded rods did pop right
> out.  However, I've got a 4kq rear caliper where the screwdriver trick just
> doesn't work.
> Its my thought that a slide hammer is the way to go.  It will require a
> spare brake piston which I intend to get at the local wrecking yard.  You
> drill a hole through the center of the piston and tap it to match the slide
> hammer's shaft.  Then spin the modified piston onto the threaded rod until
> it appears well engaged and chuck the caliper in a vise.  Then attach the
> slide hammer and have at it, starting lightly at first.  Increase the
> intensity till the rod comes out.
> HTH,
> -Tony
> _______________________________________________________________________
> Tony Lum                                                    1987 5000CS
> Turbo Quattro
> Berkeley, California, U.S.A.                              1987.5 Coupe GT
> Audi Owner/Driver/Mechanic by Necessity ;^)      1985 4000CS Quattro
>                                                                           1983
> Ur-quattro
> 1980
> 5000S
> _______________________________________________________________________

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