[V8] re: bought the V8 continued

Michael L. Riebs michael at 1stchoicegranite.com
Sat Feb 9 23:20:12 EST 2002

> 5. the timing belt looks good - they said it looks like it was changed at
> about 90k

I have been told that you can't tell by looking - even the day before it

> the bad news.
> 3.  there is an oil leak that is coming from a gasket in the engine

They almost all have that. Unless it's excessive - don't worry.

> 6.   the had to replace the serpentine belt.

"Had to"?

> 7.  as said before the fuel pump is going. a noticable hiss.

My '89 90S did this. Actually it was a "whining" noise - VERY noticeable -
also inside the car. Had it for 2 years. Most trouble free Audi I have ever
owned. Changed the alternator belt the second day I owned it, after my Wife
and 2 Y/O were cought in the worst snowstorm of the season when the first
one broke on the evening we bought it.

Never had a sound out of a V8 fuel pump that I know of...

Michael Riebs
Grand Rapids, MI
'90 V8Q
'98 A6QA

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