Bosch/automotive brakequattro (To: Robert Deis et. al.)

AudiBiTurbo at AudiBiTurbo at
Sun Feb 10 13:15:06 EST 2002

You WILL find the newer ABS unit to be much better on snow and ice versus the
older units.  One of the reasons is that on older units, it could "stop" the
tire every (bear with me, for explanation purposes) 45 degrees of tire
rotation.  Newer ABS does a better job in modulation AND can "stop" the tire
every 10 degrees (again, for explanational purposes).  In effect, the braking
system has gotten more advanced,  Add in traction control with a reverse
feedback (showing up on some Mercedes, etc. now) for braking, I expect even
threshold ABS will be moot for me to teach at winter driving schools.  For a
large movement of the vehicle to the side (emergency lane change to stop
maneuvers), you'll still have to release some (or all) braking pressure, but
for most panic moves and stops, just holding full pedal pressure will suffice
with the latest generation systems coming out.  Ultimately, experiment on a
snowy parking lot when nobody is around.

Mark Rosenkrantz
AudiBiTurbo at

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