v8 detailing

Steve Kramer skramer at mac.com
Mon Feb 11 09:29:46 EST 2002

okay, i feel pretty good about the timing belt issue.

i tracked down the previous owners of the car and the timing belt was
changed at 90k.  the water pump and brakes were done as well. at 100k rotors
were grinded down and new pads put on.

now on to detailing. mo money, mo money, mo money

i have ordered the badges from audi   $110.  i am now looking at pinstriping
the car like my 200 was.  give me your suggestions - most of the audi v8 i
have seen on pictures have no pinstriping at all-  detail place talking
about $100 for striping and decal intallation.

the color of my audi is pearl white - with black interior.  i was thinking
about black, grey or a lite pink that would be complimentary to the pearl
color!!!  absolutely love this pearl color.

steve kramer

audi geek

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