Question for you turbo experts...

Beatty, Robert BeattyR at
Mon Feb 11 10:51:31 EST 2002

Ok, have an application question here....

I'm contimplating switching the turbo in my 86 5ktq to a K24.  IF I do this
conversion, what is the OPTIMAL boost pressure for that turbo, while keeping
the rest of the motor stock.  I will be installing a bypass valve as well,
but no other real modifications at this time.  I already have a QLCC chip
installed with a 1.8 bar spring.

I know the K24 spools up faster and the K26 has a higher top end, but
someone on here did a bit of comparision with a lower amount of boost on a
K24 and it seemed to pull better.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?


86 5ktq
89 200tqa

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