v8 lighting switches

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Mon Feb 11 13:26:33 EST 2002

At 12:11 PM -0600 2/11/02, Steve Kramer wrote:

>bought wd-40 for the switches.  will this work or should i use the goldpro?

WD40 should never be used on electrical contacts; it is, among other
things, rather flammable(well, the carrier is; it's propane,

Caig DeOxit is most appropriate for the switches.  Caig ProGold is
for plated connectors.  I would suggest the 5% spray or the 50% pump.
The 100% stuff is only for surfaces where you can wipe off all the

MCM Electronics carries most of the Caig line at reasonable prices.
I also recommend getting a package of lint-free swabs; MCM sells them
for something like $10 for 3000 :-)  They're quite tough, chemically
pure/clean, and have a nice long wood handle.

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin
http://www.users.cloud9.net/~brett/bdikeman.asc	(PGP Public Key)

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