v8 detailing

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Mon Feb 11 17:13:19 EST 2002

A REAL pinstripe is painted, Michael.  By an artistic type.

At 11:00 AM 02/11/2002 -0500, Michael L. Riebs wrote:

> > i have ordered the badges from audi   $110.  i am now looking at
> > the car like my 200 was.  give me your suggestions - most of the audi v8 i
> > have seen on pictures have no pinstriping at all-  detail place talking
> > about $100 for striping and decal intallation.
>Where are you? Chicago? I'll drive over there and install the pinstripe for
>$90, including the pinstripe!
>Why not just go to Pep-Boys or some such, purchase a pinstripe of your
>liking for $10 and stick it on yourself? It's a sticker!!!
>If you have that much cash to burn, I have the deed to the Brooklyn Bridge
>that I would love to sell to you! Or how about a nice piece of vacation
>property in the Everglades?
>Michael Riebs
>Grand Rapids, MI
>'90 V8Q
>'98 A6QA

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