possible lister sighting in Mesa, AZ -- Confirmed!

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Mon Feb 11 22:42:59 EST 2002

Well gents, I should point out that qlist stickers make "confirming"
lister-or-not much easier and help keep your favorite Audi interenet
resource going :-)


At 7:28 PM -0700 2/11/02, Karl Kauffman wrote:
>Hey Ken,
>That was me!  Was a bit amazing... hadn't seen anybody demonstrate such
>enthusiasim for the Coupe while on the road!  I've got some bum window regs,
>so it's not easy getting the windows down.  Did manage to get the driver's
>side cracked an inch or two and heard the "Nice Car!".  Thanks!!  Glad I
>noticed your message in the digest... don't always check each one out, but I
>had a feeling that this guy in the Saturn just might be a lister, so I was
>kinda looking for a 'sighting' message.  Good to run into 'ya!  Let me know
>if you ever want to get together and talk Audis.
>'81 Coupe -- 129k mi
>Mesa, AZ
>>  The other day I saw a guy driving a very clean gray Coupe GT,
>>  about an '84.  It had some silver aftermarket 15" wheels.  It was
>>  very clean.  This was on University in Mesa, AZ, at about Country
>>  Club.

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin
http://www.users.cloud9.net/~brett/bdikeman.asc	(PGP Public Key)

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