possible lister sighting in Mesa, AZ -- Confirmed!
Robert Myers
robert at s-cars.org
Tue Feb 12 05:46:40 EST 2002
Ok, here is the decal information again:
At 11:19 PM 2/11/02, auditude at neta.com wrote:
>Yeah, I sometimes think about trying to show my Audi keys to
>people, but I don't think I could turn off the ignition, show the keys,
>and restart the car fast enough. <g>
>Is there a url for q-list sticker info, or is it word of mouth?
Hi Y'all,
Q-list recognition decals are available and in hand for immediate shipping.=
These decals will permit a quick highway identification of list members a=
nd are presumed to be list approved badge engineering. :-) Guaranteed to =
provide up to an additional 550 or more horsepower - each. :-) (Not reall=
y=2E) I have two of them on my car. One near top center of the front wind=
shield where it is hidden from my view by the mirror and a second one in th=
e lower right corner of the rear windshield where it does not interfere wit=
h rear vision.
The decals are a static-cling vinyl material. No adhesive is required. Th=
ey are instantly removable and replaceable and are designed for application=
inside a window and to be read from the outside. When removed from the ca=
r window no visible trace of its former presence will remain. They are 3" =
wide by 2" high (~75mm by ~50mm) white ovals with a large black stylized "Q=
" and the q-list URL "http://www.audifans.com" curved along the lower edge =
in smaller type. An image and a mock-up photo of one on Tom Nas' car are a=
vailable at:
http://members.tripod.lycos.nl/AudiJunk/index.html (Click on the decal lin=
If you prefer I can send you a (low resolution) gif of the decal.
Purchase procedure (USA): Send a check payable in US$ for the correct amou=
nt (US$2.50 for each decal, $5 for 2, $10 for 4, etc. Two per car recommend=
ed.) plus a SASE (self addressed, stamped envelope) to:
Robert Myers
Rt. 4, Box 57
Fayetteville, WV 25840
Non-USA shipments: We can work something out. Contact me for suggestions.=
PayPal is, unfortunately, not an option.
Disclaimer: This is a non-profit (personal profit, that is) effort. Any p=
rofits, after printing and shipping expenses are paid, will be sent to our =
"Beloved Listmeister, Dan" to help defray list expenses.
Post script: expenses have been met and Dan has received funds approaching=
$700. More is to go to him before long.
Note added 6/22/2001: another $165 was mailed to Dan yesterday.
Note added 2/12/2002: additional funds have been sent since the pervious n=
Robert L. Myers 304-574-2372
Rt. 4, Box 57, Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA WV tag Q SHIP
'95 urS6 Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen ICQ 22170244
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