Bearings and flame throwers, UPS rant (N.A.C.)

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Tue Feb 12 18:43:36 EST 2002

At 09:54 AM 02/12/2002 +0000, Mike Arman wrote:

>Lately, the initials "UPS" seem to really mean "Use The Postal Service".

                 Slight Snippage

>I hate to be a curmudgeon, but I also hate getting screwed, and UPS tries
>to do it to me and to us at every opportunity.

Sorry you have such a poor service record with UPS, Mike.  I ship almost
daily and the (recently increased) $12 a week fee for daily pickup at my
location is way less than it would cost me for any other carrier OR to take
my products to the shipping center daily.  Of course, we initiated daily
pickup here when it cost us $5 a week, but that was maybe 15 years ago.

I get almost all my Audi parts (minimal Audi Content) via UPS, and have had
no problem there.  They DID break a plumbing product I ordered that wasn't
packaged very well in my view but the shipper claimed they usually had no
problem.  I got a replacement but I'm not sure whether UPS or the shipper
paid for the latter.

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