Belgian beer, on the cool side

rinard at rinard at
Tue Feb 12 20:06:11 EST 2002

Mihnea, my sister took a corporate transfer to Brussels a couple years
ago and we visited her and her family in October 2000. Knowing my
penchant for beer, she kindly kept her refrigerator well-stocked with
a variety of local brews. I wholeheartedly agree that your country is
home to some of the finest brewers in the world. And the variety is
indeed incredible.

I got particularly hooked on Duvel, and occasionally buy it in the US
when I see it available. It seems to travel quite well, which may have
something to do with the considerable alcohol content! ;-)

Russ Maki
Ixonia, Wis.

> From: Mihnea Cotet <mik at>
> Subject: Re: warm beer
> Cc: Quattro List <quattro at>
> Have you ever tried belgian beer? I think it's one of the best beers
in the
> world but there are too many different brands and types to mention
> Mihnea

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