FW: bearing availability

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at investorsgroup.com
Wed Feb 13 09:33:56 EST 2002

That's how I got my rear wheel bearing for my 86 5KTQ a couple years ago.
Paid about 1/2 the price from auto parts store and we are talking quality
name brand bearings here.


> ----------
> From: 	gjkscruggs at comcast.net[SMTP:gjkscruggs at comcast.net]
> Sent: 	February 11, 2002 5:21 PM
> To: 	quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: 	bearing availability
> If you look along the rim of every bearing you'll see a set of numbers.
> Take that number to any bearing supply house and you will be able to buy a
> direct replacement.  If they don't have it they can get it.
> While living in Daytona... late '70s... I took a number to a bearing house
> on beach side and came away with a front thrust needle bearing for a 0.4
> cu
> in 25,000 rpm Italian model airplane engine.  The old boy behind the
> counter
> didn't even blink... but he did proceed to regale me with several
> newspaper
> clippings about how he helped develop the WWII flame thrower.
> I've not yet tried to buy bearings over the net but venture that can be
> done.
> Regards, Gross Scruggs

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