new fuel pump details

george mills gamills at
Thu Feb 14 15:56:37 EST 2002

Parts from the US are essentially double in cost in Canabucks. This
includes the exchange rate, brokerage fees (includes tariff), tax and
shipping. Sourcing out parts in Canada is often less expensive, same
parts as the rest of the world. Canada has a free trade agreement with
the US, but it does not include items made outside of that country and
vice versa. On the other hand, if I were to send US dollars to a
lister in the US to maybe pick up a part for me as the price was
right, and that certain lister were to send the part on to me as a
gift with a value of say 25 bucks, and it was in a plain brown wrapped
package with no company name stuck to it, I just might save a few
bucks. Of course, this is all conjecture and I'm starting to get cabin
fever.:) I would never do such a thing myself of course.

Best regards,

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