ASAP help needed regarding coolant question

Kent McLean kentmclean at
Thu Feb 14 16:21:28 EST 2002

Dave Hord wrote:
>I just got back from court. I'm off the hook, they withdrew the charge.
>I made quite an impression on the prosecuter with my preparation (he said so).
>I had a gallon of VW coolant, the Materials Safety Data Sheets for the product
>(okay, another brand coolant, but he never asked).

Empty squeeze bottle:                   $1.00
Filled with 8 ounces antifreeze:        $1.00
Antifreeze jug in back seat:            $8.00

Beating the rap because you sprayed
your leg with antifreeze when you
were stopped for speeding:              Priceless


Kent McLean,
'89 200 TQ, "Dead Puppy"

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