Tranny swapability question

J. Lyons raudi1 at VALUE.NET
Thu Feb 14 16:02:58 EST 2002

Hello all,

Along these same lines, any BTDT on the feasibility of adding the taller
fifth gear to my 84 CGT Turbo tranny? 4000rpm at 80mph is getting to be a
little much. My 86 4KCSQ does damn near 100mph at 4000 rpm. I would like to
keep 1st thru 4th gears where they are (hauls ass off the line) and use
fifth mainly for freeway cruising/top end. I have a spare 84 tranny I may be
rebuilding in the near future w/a Quaife diff and hopefully a more practical
fifth gear!

J. Lyons
84 CGT Turbo
86 4KCSQ
79 5KS

~"I'd like to know if it's possible to swap an 85-86 5ktq tranny in place of
a 4kq "US" code tranny ... my tranny is a particularly short ratio type, I'd
like to put a 5ktq locker tranny in my car as it has taller gears and allows
for higher top speed as well as lower RPMs at legal highway speeds "~

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