WTB-'87 5K PS Pump Rebuild Kit

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Sun Feb 17 19:56:39 EST 2002

At 06:22 PM 02/17/2002 -0500, Ray Rollins wrote:

>The Power steering rebuild kit can be found at Clair Parts Express, there on
>the suppliers list. Get the kit only if you are getting a leak from the x
>caps, because if it's anything more than that your chances of success are
>greatly reduced. I attempted a rebuild only to have the pump seize the first
>time I locked the wheel. I went to a you pull it yard and picked the pump that
>looked the best for $30.

I've got tens of thousands of miles on two PS pumps I've resealed
internally with the O-rings kit.  No U-pulls in my neighborhood, so a pump
sold over the counter runs over $100.

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