4kqt test drive?? Boston area?
JShadzi at aol.com
JShadzi at aol.com
Sun Feb 17 23:19:34 EST 2002
<< I am severly addicted to the idea of performing the MC
engine convert as well as EFI on my 87 4kq.
Large dollar signs and huge committments of time are
floating about in my head.>>
Yup, that's what it takes to get that kind of performance.
<< I was interested with some of the feedback from the
posting requesting the performance results from some
conversions, yet I did not read anything that had
really impressed me enough to justify the conversion.>>
Hmm, basically its considered the ultimate power upgrade (within reason and
budget) for the 4K/80/90 quattro cars. Basically, you can have an easy 200hp
in a 2800lb car, 0-60 of about 6 seconds or so, practically no competition on
the freeway, and a top speed only dictated by the revlimiter at 6500rpm in
5th. I've done swaps, and consulted others, that cost under $1500.
Considering the cost to aquire a clean starting point, figure there is
nothing aside from a 944t that can touch it for the money.
Imagine your car now with approximately double the hp and torque... sold now??
<< I would have to drive, or al least be driven in one to
truly be sold.>>
That would be a nice luxury I suppose...
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