e-brake question

Mihnea Cotet mik at info.fundp.ac.be
Tue Feb 19 00:07:33 EST 2002

At 22:45 18/02/2002 +0000, Jim Haseltine wrote:
> > I noticed some rubber seal on the cam.  Does it seal brake fluid insided
> > the caliper?
> > The seal is in bad shape. Is it replacable?
>Yes and Yes. Problem is finding them, AFAIK they are only avalable in some
>Girling caliper re-seal kits.

I hope you meant nope and yes, Jim!
The cam's seal seals the internal mechanism's grease, if you have brake
fluid over there it means that the o-ring at the bottom of the caliper bore
(under the plate that secures the big threaded rod) is simply shot! BTDT
last week, and I found out black grease inside the e-brake mechanism...the
small cam seal couldn't be strong enough to keep up with the pressure
coming from the brake MC when you use the brakes...

Just my 0.02 Euro,


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