Dash Light HELP!!

Wayne Reser wreser at siscom.net
Mon Feb 18 22:27:18 EST 2002

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The little engine icon represents the electronic ignition control system.

Light positions according to the owner's manual are (from left to right on =
the dash):
Bottom row:   Parking brake, Anti-lock brake, Oxygen sensor, Safety belt, E=
lectronic ignition control, Upshift, Headlight photo sensor.
Top row:        Left turn, Rear window defog, Brake Warning, Oil Pressure, =
Alternator warnng, High beam, Right turn.

I have my Bentley out but cannot see a Light Green wire indicated.  If it w=
ould help, I could copy the Bently page and fax it to for you, maybe as soo=
n as tomorrow (Tues.) morning if I can get a fax number. Scanning it might =
not happen until Tuesday night.

87.5 CGT T-Red

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