4kqt test drive?? Boston area?

ScottyCBoy at aol.com ScottyCBoy at aol.com
Tue Feb 19 14:39:18 EST 2002

Top speed in a 4000 140??? I find that a bit hard to belive with the stock 115 horsepower. The urq had 170 horsepower and a top speed of 137 or something like that. Once I got my 4000Q up to 125 but that was while going down a very long hill with a tail wind.


In a message dated Tue, 19 Feb 2002 10:25:06 AM Eastern Standard Time, JShadzi at aol.com writes:

> In a message dated 2/19/2002 1:14:25 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> coolian at attbi.com writes:
> << >the freeway, and a top speed only dictated by the revlimiter at 6500rpm in
>  >5th.  I've done swaps, and consulted others, that cost under $1500.
>  And all of the aerodynamics of a brick.
>  I know, I captain the red brick with the blue engine.
>  Brendan
>   >>
> Sure, well in a 4kq top speed in 5th isn't much more than 140mph or so, past
> that you would have aerodynamic problems I'm sure.  The 80/90 is much better
> in that regard.
> Javad

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