dielectric grease conductant or not WAS:FW: 90q missing on cy
l 5...con't.
Livolsi, Stephane
Stephane.Livolsi at investorsgroup.com
Wed Feb 20 10:05:38 EST 2002
My understanding on dielectric grease, as explained to me by dad who is an
electrician, is that it enhances conductivity at contact points, and is
non-conductive otherwise. It should not be used on switches because it will
increase sparking (and accelerate breakdown of the switch) everytime the
switch opens and closes. On the other hand, it is ideal for assuring
positive contact at wire attachment points (battery, alternator, grounds,
plugs, etc)
> ----------
> From: Brett Dikeman[SMTP:brett at cloud9.net]
> Sent: February 19, 2002 9:53 PM
> To: Dave Hord; quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: 90q missing on cyl 5...con't.
> At 10:54 PM -0500 2/19/02, Dave Hord wrote:
> >Hey Huw (or others), is dielectric grease similar/the same thing as
> Stabilant?
> >I don't have the budget for stabilant...and was wondering about the tube
> of
> >dielectric grease I have...should I use that on all the connections?
> >
> >I assume the procedure is clean, polish contacts with emery cloth, grease
> and
> >assemble...
> Don't emery-cloth plated connectors. Big no-no. Even a wire-brush
> wheel on a mototool will chew through plating if you're not gentle.
> Dielectric grease is non-conductive grease and should not be applied
> directly on contacts, or so I thought. Stabilant or DeOxit should be
> just fine on almost everything; I personally prefer the Caig stuff,
> it actually removes tarnish/light corrosion, Stabilant doesn't. Each
> to his own, however...either will probably do fine provided the
> problem with connectors isn't mechanical in nature(ie, connector pins
> shoved into the connector, that sort of thing.) Listers have bought
> both and been happy with both for a while.
> BTW, if the car acts up at the rally, try stopping/starting it
> again...Paul noticed his problems went away when he did that, at
> least temporarily; I can't help but wonder if the intermittent with
> the temp sensor causes the ECU to jump to a worst-case value, causing
> the bad running, and at next restart, sensor is OK and the ECU uses
> it.
> My $5 is on the temp sensor or connector!
> Brett
> --
> ----
> "They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
> safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin
> http://www.users.cloud9.net/~brett/
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