Name these Eurolights?

Tony Lum tlum at
Wed Feb 20 15:23:18 EST 2002

At 10:36 AM 2/20/02 , you wrote:
>What car do the lights for sale on Ebay fit? The description says they are
>European Audi 5000 lights fitting 1984-1988, but the lights in the pictures do
>not look right to me. I have non-turbo Eurolights and mine do not look
>like the
>ones shown. I know turbo eurolights for the type 44 use two bulbs, so what
>lights are these for sale on Ebay?
>See the following:
>Eric R. Kissell
>1986 5000cstq, 1.8 bar (SJM), K24, Fuchs
>1989 200q Avant, 1.5 bar, K24, Bilsteins
>1987 VW GTI 16V, 1984cc, Bilsteins
>Evansville, Indiana, USA

They're for a Type 43 Audi (5000 '79-'83).  Looks like they already have a
correction note.  I bought a set a couple of months ago for about
$60.  Note the clear end turn signals.  Audi was years ahead of the rice
gang ;-)



Tony Lum                                  1987 5000CS Turbo Quattro
Berkeley, California, U.S.A.                1985 4000CS Quattro
Audi Owner/Driver/Mechanic by Necessity ;^)   1980 5000S Sedan
QCUSA Member #6885                             1987.5 Coupe GT
                                                 1983 Ur-quattro

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