Keep forever vs sell at 100k

james accordino ssgacc at
Wed Feb 20 15:57:45 EST 2002

Are you military?  I LOVE driving for that
reimbursment.  Sometimes, they'll ask if I'd rather
fly.  Not with the money I can make driving my 200.
And I really LIKE driving it.  Just not in bumper to
bumper traffic jams.  If I could do nothing but drive
all day using their mileage quote, I could quit my
full time job.

Jim Accordino

--- David Head <v8q at> wrote:
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> I'm the buyer - I buy mine with over 100K and sell
> them at 250+... I
> drive 40-60K per year, and get paid for at least 2/3
> of that at 36.5
> cents/mile (this week, anyway...). With an Audi, my
> repairs have been no
> more than normal wear and tear for a high mileage
> car. Radiators,
> caps/rotors, brake rotors, hoses, etc. I won't touch
> a northern car
> anymore - too much work when suspension/underbody
> needs work. Since I do
> 90% of my own repairs and mail order my parts I
> can't gripe... A 5 year
> old Audi with 100K is just getting broken in. I sold
> my 89 200q to a
> lister in New York for about what I bought it for,
> after putting about
> $3-4K into the car all told.  His wife has stolen it
> from him, I hear
> tell and won't let him drive it. Its still going
> strong.  But in the 2
> years I drove the car I got paid over $26K to drive
> it. Taking into
> account the costs of gas/oil and tires, deducting
> the initial cost and
> upgrades I figure I still made close to $5K...
> My 'current' ride was bought at 10 years old and 74K
> for $5K - Since
> then I've put probably $3K into it including timing
> belt, new
> suspension, wheels and tires along with various
> bits. It now has 133K,
> 80% of that work miles which equates to $16.5K. I
> figure I'm still ahead
> of the game. I'll drive 500 miles for work this week
> - under 2 tanks of
> gas will cost me 30 bucks and I'll get paid $180.00.
> Life is good!
> If I had bought a 'new' car and drove it 60K in a 16
> months it would
> have depreciated so bad I cringe to think of it...
> josh Wyte wrote:
> > Just had this conversation on the list the other
> day.
> > :-)
> >
> > I'm firmly in the camp of sell before it hits 100k
> > miles.  I've kept several cars past 150k miles and
> the
> > maintenance I've had to do once I passed 100k was
> very
> > expensive.  (And yes, I maintain my cars very
> well)
> >
> > Add that to the fact that it's very difficult to
> sell
> > a car with over 100k miles for any substantial
> amount
> > of money and I say sell it.
> >
> --

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