My Appologies to All Audi list Members

james accordino ssgacc at
Wed Feb 20 18:01:07 EST 2002

Can someone please explain to me how these H*M*S live
with themselves?  I'm not trying to be an A$$, but I
don't know how I could sell some crap that I KNEW was
SH*T to other people and feel good about myself at the
end of the day.  Maybe someone in marketing could clue
me in.  Is this what they teach in college?  BTW, nice
rip Brett.

Jim Accordino

--- Kneale Brownson <knotnook at> wrote:
> --
> So, Brett, did you notice this jerk also pimps for
> his ISP?
> At 07:38 PM 02/20/2002 -0500, Brett Dikeman wrote:
> >At 7:06 PM -0500 2/20/02, Some Bozo wrote:
> >>[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
> >>Soooooooooo Sorry about the e-mail I sent
> yesterday regarding my experience
> >>with ZMAX in my car. Apparently a few guys on the
> list don't like to hear
> >>about products that some of us use to better our
> driving experience.
> >
> >It's not that we're communists.  Rather it has to
> do with
> >recommending a product which is outright, proven,
> litigation-pending
> >fraud.  As mentioned earlier, the FTC is suing zMax
> and alleging that
> >a)it causes 3x the wear versus regular engine oil
> and b)is nothing
> >more than colored mineral oil.  Read the FTC
> complaint yourself; the
> >vote by their panel was unanimous to go after zMax.
> >
> >I think that it also irritates people(or looks
> suspicious) when folks
> >use "fake" names in their email clients.
> Regardless of how you sign
> >the message, it's just plain annoying.  We don't go
> by "screen names"
> >here, we go by people's REAL names.
> >
> >In addition, to be perfectly honest, your comment
> read very much like
> >it had been scripted by zMax marketing staff.
> >
> >Brett
> >--
> >----
> >"They that give up essential liberty to obtain
> temporary
> >safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben
> Franklin
> >
> >
> (PGP Public Key)
> >
> >
> --

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