'87 5ktqa - EM r&r - while I'm at it - clutch too

Beatty, Robert BeattyR at ummhc.org
Thu Feb 21 08:21:43 EST 2002

You do NOT need to remove the bumper.  You can even leave the front upper
hood support in the car, as long as its loose.  As its only held in at 4
points though, you might as well remove that so you dont accidently chip the
paint on it.  Taking the bumper off will give you more accessablility to the
front of the motor, but not necessary as I have BTDT.

Ask away if you have any other questions Ben

86 5ktq
89 200tqa (Engine transplant last summer)

I recently did the timing belt, etc in the other avant without removing any
front-end.  Intercooler came out though.

I read a procedure in Haynes(Yes I have Bentley too) that I need to remove
the front bumper.

Why?  Is it really in the way of pulling the engine out.

Can I get the engine out with downpipe attached?

Any other caveats???  I may start tommorrow.



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