FW: off road?

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at investorsgroup.com
Thu Feb 21 12:59:01 EST 2002

Right now I am rebuilding a 1964 Landrover for serious offroad expeditions
(I will also be able to recover the Audi when it breaks down (MAC) but I
really have my sights set on owning a late 50's or early 60's Mercedez
Unimog.  A couple of years ago I could have bought a fairly large Mog (can't
remember the model) for $5000 Can locally but passed because it was gas, not
diesel, and had a couple of ...issues.. with the air over hydraulic brakes.
Those of you who know what Mogs are, you know what I mean.
Surprisingly, I think there are more Unimogs in Williams Lake (and area)
than there are Audi's.  Not all of them run, but I think the same can be
said of the Audis.

I think having an 86 5KTQ, 64 Landrover and a 56 MB Unimog in the stable
would be impressive (to me - I really don't care what the Jones's think)
indeed.  Looking forward to the day I can put that in my sig line.


> ----------
> From: 	Roger M. Woodbury[SMTP:rmwoodbury at downeast.net]
> Sent: 	February 21, 2002 7:26 AM
> To: 	quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: 	off road?
> This thread is interesting.  I am thinking about trying a little "off
> roading"...never really done it.
> But the talk about fifty or sixty grand off roaders is merely humorous.  I
> am thinking fond thoughts of the '85 Dodge Ramcharger that I had not long
> ago.  It was originally set upfor Baja racing, and when it wouldn't pass
> emissions, I think, it migrated to the east coast, and eventually, to
> Maine.
> It was quite a nice riding and handling truck for what it was.  Probably
> more so because it had had an engine transplant, and had a 440 cubic inch
> V8, pushed out .30 over with Bendiz fuel injection.  Quite some yank,
> really.
> Anyway, I did the body over, and threw away the ugly blue bucket seats,
> and
> put in some others....it had an interesting "Dodge Racing" thick rim
> steering wheel, and overall really felt like it would go anywhere.
> The best thing was that I paid $1100 for it, and when it was all done,
> with
> the transmission and transfer case overhaul, bodywork, painting, brakes
> and
> so forth, I had a pretty decent $5000 off road/on road truck.
> I just might try that again, as Ramchargers are relatively plentiful and
> cheap.  Then again, there is the thought of having a Mercedes
> Galaendewagen......
> Roger

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