Multi failure switch replacement

Brian Devlin bdevlin at
Thu Feb 21 16:59:56 EST 2002

Sorry, I should have been more clear. The replacement I was referring
to was with something other than a multi function switch. It involved
some combination of a temp sender and another thermoswitch, I think.

>At 04:02 PM 2/21/02 , you wrote:
>>I think my multi function switch is on it's way out. Who was it that
>>just replaced theirs with other stuff?
>>-86 5ktq
>That's just about everybody.  ZZ motors had the best price I heard
>(about $35).  They seldom last 2  years.  My 3 terminal replacement
>lasted 11 months before it started to show overheat-even if the
>engine just started in the morning!
>Tony Lum                                  1987 5000CS Turbo Quattro
>Berkeley, California, U.S.A.                1985 4000CS Quattro
>Audi Owner/Driver/Mechanic by Necessity ;^)   1980 5000S Sedan
>QCUSA Member #6885                             1987.5 Coupe GT
>                                                 1983 Ur-quattro

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