Germany is better (really . . . .?) N.A.C.

Mike Arman armanmik at
Fri Feb 22 09:43:48 EST 2002

snip snip

>Why is it if it's made in
>>Germany it's good stuff and if it's made in the USA it's crap.
>because germany will kick your @ss at just about anything. =3D) it is often
>the sad truth...

Well right now, the Germans are upset - REALLY upset - in fact they are so
pissed off they cannot see straight and they are looking around for people
to BLAME and PUNISH. (Are you sure you want to annoy the *Germans* that much?)

It seems that an evaluation of student education was done recently, along
the lines of "how much do kids from country X know?", and the Germans, the
bastion of vorsprung durch frenzied complexity, didn't do all that well.

American kids scored higher.

So did Spanish kids.

So did Italian kids.

Germany was something like #12 . . . I think one of the Scandinavian
countries was #1, after all, it snows so much there that there is nothing
else to do but stay inside and study.

This was on Yahoo news a few days ago . . . and there was a follow-up story
on NPR with interviews of German parents and educators, and oh, boy, were
they ever mad! Phrases like "Our educators have failed and betrayed our
country, our youth and our future!" being bandied about. Ummm, yeah,
they're unhappy over there. Real unhappy.

Giggle, giggle.

Best Regards,

Mike Arman

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