My Appologies to All Audi list Members

Per Lindgren lindgre at
Fri Feb 22 20:48:23 EST 2002

Michael L. Riebs wrote:

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Brett Dikeman" <brett at>
>>>    Put Marvel Mystery oil in your car today! It's fantastic!  It's
>>>It makes your car run like new!  It works......]
>>Hey!  It fixed lifter noise on my old 5000...
>>....for about 10 minutes :-)
>Actually, a trick I learned at GC Volkswagen on L.I. for the elimination of
>lifter noise between oil changes is to put ¼ of one quart of ATF in the
>engine when it begins to make the noise. Seems the detergents in the ATF
>help prevent the knock. I tried it in my 5000's of past years, as well as my
>'87 Golf, and it works like a charm!
I did this in my previous Audi, a 2.8 V6 with about 125k kms. It was the
dumbest thing I ever did. While this engine had an oil that looked like
crude or brent, the lifter noise went away. But after the oil change,
all the sealing crud was washed away and oil consumption was terrible. A
two-stroke Trabant used less oil than this V6. I poured in about 4
liters for each 1000 kms. I'm glad I got rid of that car.


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