Learning a Lesson

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 22 15:43:17 EST 2002

Sooooo sorry about the rotten e-mail.  If you really
are an Audi owner, then welcome.  This may sound
trite, but I am sorry.  I just had a little to many
"TAKE it, it's really GOOD" sales pitches lately.  I
hope your experience here will be as good as mine has
been.  I've learned a ton about my Audis and
maintaining them.

Jim Accordino-eatin' some humble pie

---  <nodoebrando at iwon.com> wrote:
> [ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
> Well guys,
> I'll keep this short.
> I've learned my lesson.
> Sorry for the e-mails and the bogus product punches.
> I had a nice talk with Robert Myers out in WV last
> night and I just want to
> say thanks to him for some good advice and patience
> with a newcomer to the
> list.
> Audi drivers are a passionate bunch when it comes to
> their cars as am I with
> my own 93 Quattro CS. Thanks again.
> I hope to have a long friendship here at the list
> and I hope to meet a few of
> you next year at the Pikes Peak Hill Climb.
> For now, Take care.
> Brandon Handy
> (801) 390-7749
> 93 Quattro CS
> Visit iWon.com[1] - the Internet's largest
> guaranteed cash giveaway!
> ===References:===
>   1. http://www.iwon.com

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