RS2 in Maine?

Brian O' briano_72 at
Sun Feb 24 08:50:04 EST 2002

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

 hes from pittsburgh area, car is at sewickley car store all the time, he s=
ays it over hear on some kinda testing reason, he backs it by taking to the=
 daeler every month getting the oil changed and aligned ??!!
                 brian o'

  Per Lindgren <lindgre at> wrote: This just appeared in a thread on=
 VWVortex, one guy asked what unusual
cars people had seen in the past, and one other person (by the username
RS4-380 :-) posted a pic of a white RS2 on Munich export plates, parked
next to a US-spec Honda Accord. Could this mean that an RS2 has made it
to USA? And will it ever be able to be registered? The URL to the pic:


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