Dash warning symbols

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Mon Feb 25 13:22:10 EST 2002

At 07:24 AM 02/25/2002 -0500, Charlie Smith wrote:

>I think the brake symbol will be a red triangle, with a white graphic.
>White triangles was warnings, as opposed to danger.  I think the round
>circle in the middle may be a light bulb, meaning a burned out light bulb.
>The warning for burned out bulb also has a faint black X through the

Red triangle brake symbol is for accumulator failure or handbrake applied,
I think.  There also is a round circle with what looks like parentheses on
either side  <  (0)  >  that indicates front brake pads are wearing out.

Bulb warning is a circle with a "nipple" on it, kind of like an 8 with a
tiny top circle, and the X.

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