measuring hall output

Konstantin Bogach konstantin.bogach at
Mon Feb 25 15:57:25 EST 2002

I can not answer this question but here is a cheap way to replace it:
$10-20  for used distibutor in junk yard. Audis of '86-91.  You can take it apart and use hall
sensor as a donor.  They might look a little differently (open magnet or inside the plastic body)
but will work.

Konstantin Bogach.

> From: auditude at
> Subject: re: measuring hall output
> I've been afraid to proceed with measuring things for fear of
> damaging something.  I'm a bit gun-shy about the hall sensor,
> because remember a friend having to replace one after damaging it
> by checking for spark improperly, iirc. (not grounding the plug body
> can fry it?)
> Ken
> -

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